2024: Bard-a-thon | King Lear | Thy Hard | Monkeyball
2023: Bard-a-Thon | Romeo and Juliet | A Christmas Carol The Radio Play (rebroadcast)
2022: A Midsummer Night's Dream 
2021: Bard-a-Zoom-a-Thon | Titus Online
2019: Bard-a-thon | Much Ado About Nothing | Psycho Sarah | Macbeth | Thee Breakfast Club
2018: Bard-a-thon | As You Like It | Hamlet | The Merry Wives of Windsor | Cry Havoc | Caddy Shakes
2017: Bard-a-thon | If We Shadows | King John
2016: Bard-a-thon | What You Will/Macbeth | Titus Andronicus | Terminator The Second
2015: Bard-a-thon | A Midsummer Night's Dream, Alaska Tour | Two Gentlemen of Verona | Willam Shakespeare's Star Wars
2014: Bard-a-thon | A Midsummer Night's Dream | As You Like It | Two Gentlemen of Lebowski
2013: Bard-a-thon | Lear Khehkwaii | Romeo and Juliet | Verdi and the Bard | Sleepless Night
2012: Bard-a-thon | Misalliance | Henry IV, part 1 | Campaign – The Spectacle | Sleepless Night | Our Town
2011: Bard-a-thon | The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) | Twelfth Night | The Comedy of Errors | Macbeth | Sleepless Night
2010: Bard-a-thon | The Tempest | Antigone, or I Really Wish You Hadn’t Done That | Measure for Measure | Two Gentlemen of Verona (musical) | Of Mice and Men
2009: Bard-a-thon | Romeo and Juliet | Othello
2008: Bard-a-thon | The Taming of the Shrew | Camino Real | Omelet, Prince of Danish | A Midsummer Night’s Dream
2007: Bard-a-thon | Antony and Cleopatra | The Monkey King | Bunnicula | Never Say Die | Zany Holidaze
2006: Bard-a-thon | Henry V | The Tempest | Pericles
2005: Bard-a-thon | Much Ado About Nothing | The Fantasticks
2004: The Witches | The Winter’s Tale
2003: Bard-a-thon | The Little Prince | Julius Caesar | That Hamlet Thing
2002: Bard-a-thon | The Wizard of Oz | Hamlet | Muck-Its Do Hamlet
2001: Bard-a-thon | Pinocchio | Love’s Labor’s Lost | On the Open Road | Romeo & Juliet | My Brother’s a Bastard
2000: Bard-a-thon | A Midsummer Night’s Dream | The Merchant of Venice | Mini Merchant
1999: Bard-a-thon | Richard III | Pump Boys & Dinettes
1998: As You Like It | Peter Pan
1997: Cymbeline
1996: The Merry Wives of Windsor
1995: The Tempest
1994: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
1993: Twelfth Night